Thursday, July 20, 2006

Rain, Rain Go Away... Come Back Another Day!

Well as you must have guess it is raining here today... and it is quite a storm! *lol* Well normally I wouldn't mind the rain but today I planned on borrowing the neighbours lawn mower since ours broke and cut our grass that desperately needs it!!! It is just my luck that when I plan a day of outside work that it rains so that I can't do it! At this rate by the time the weather is nice and I am able to borrow a lawn mower or get mine back from the person that is fixing it our yard will be a jungle and twice as hard to cut! *lol* Well hopefully tomorrow is a nicer day and I am able to cut it then cause I really can't wait too much longer to cut the grass! One thing that I will be grateful to the storm for is if it is nice enough to break this humidity! It is just crazy as to how humid it is... thank god I sleep in the basement and with my fan running it is cooler than the upstairs where we have a small window air conditioner running! *smiles* Well anyways I am going to keep this short and sweet and mosey on out to the living room to wait this storm out with my son as we watch the new superman movie! Have a good one and don't get too wet!

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