Monday, June 02, 2008

Just Some Rambling...

It has been 1o years since I have last seen you or even heard your voice and then the other day you literally pop back into my life. It is like nothing has changed... we have picked up where we left off. The energy is still the same and you are still able to make me feel the way you did all those years ago. Yet you are many miles away and I wish you were near. Over the years you have never been a memory forgotten, many times I have wondered where you were and what you were up to. You are someone that has always held a special place within my heart, kept locked away to be cherished forever, never to be forgotten. Just the mention of your name and memories come flooding back to me. Moments we had shared over the course of time... always putting a smile on my face and keeping me wanting moreI have always felt that a strong connection between two people is there for a reason. Sometimes the reason is unknown but yet you cannot fight it nor do you want to. I sit here and think about all the things we have said and done and wonder what there is to come. Back then you were able to open me up to new ideas and possibilities, stretching my heart and mind beyond its abilities... and here I find you doing it still leaving me wondering who I really am and what I am truly capable of. You are a shining light in the darkness of my lonely existence.
~yours in all sincerity~

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