Friday, June 06, 2008

Very Frustrated and Feeling Used....

I just don't understand what the problem is. Why all of a sudden things have changed. I was so excited to have you back in my life and things were going great between us. I knew and accepted that there are limits to the thing we have going on, but this is just crazy. I don't understand why after what I had done for you you are treating me this way. I just don't understand how hard it is to say hello or hey or just a simple message back letting me know you are still there.
You told me that you didn't want to ruin a good thing yet I am wondering how good you actually think it is. I feel used and played and just totally frustrated with how things seem to have played out. I am starting to think that it was just a too good to be true moment or something for you until something better came along. Is that what it was? I would really like to know. Well I hope that you can come to your senses soon and realize that I deserve at least an ounce of respect and consideration through all this, and if you have changed your mind as to what you want from me then at least be man enough to tell me.
I really like what I thought we had going on and really don't want to end it but I will not be treated like this. Above and beyond the crap we are still friends and friends don't do this to each other.
I hope you find it in yourself to be man enough to give me answers. I can only be patient for so long before I give up and write off to the whole thing and say be done with it.

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